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Having the Mental Edge

Self-Doubt, Anxiety, Negative Thinking, Performance Slumps, or Injury Blocks have the potential to destroy your sporting career. 


And, the fact that you're reading this means you or someone you know has/is affected.


You see, your mind controls your body, so you must commit to being as dedicated to training your mind as you are to training your body. 

Mental training is like going to an 'inner gym' within your mind, which builds and strengthens your mental muscle.

So it makes sense, doesn't it, that embracing daily mental training will prepare you for all the possibilities that come your way and also helps you cope positively with the unexpected, rather than becoming 'psyched out'.



WINNERS don't win by accident.

Winners set the scene for everything they do, feel, think, and believe. Of course, they put in hours of training; however, they have something else - the winner's attitude.
Sports Hypnosis is the missing piece of the puzzle that allows you to master the mental toughness required to reach your Peak Performance goals.


Peak Performance Hypnocoaching offers presentations to teams and clubs on the power of SELF-TALK, VISUALISATIONS, AND GOAL SETTING as well as how to work together and the importance of TEAMMANSHIP.

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