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9 Myths about the Emotion of Anxiety Debunked.

Sally Barker

Do you feel like you’re struggling with too many worries and fears? Do you find yourself catatrophising about things that haven’t even happened? Do those thoughts interfere with your sleep and keep you from enjoying the life you deserve?

If so, know that you’re not alone! Millions of people around the world are stressed out and worry needlessly. Because of this prevalence, much research has been done to discover how to help.

The great news is, you don’t have to suffer in silence, hoping that your worries will just go away. There are things you can do to alleviate your struggles!

You see, the problem isn’t anxiety. Anxiety is an emotion just like joy. The issue is the underlying worry, fear, and catastrophising that causes that emotion to elevate to levels that are extremely uncomfortable. When this anxiety emotion gets stuck at such levels that’s the problem.

Learn more about the emotion of anxiety and the myths that surround it:

  1. Myth: Heightened Anxiety isn’t a real illness. Although there isn’t a medical test you can take to see if you have anxiety, all of your worries and the physical consequences that go with them are very real. If your worries and fears are negatively impacting your life, you can get help and take steps to treat it.

  1. Myth: You can pass out when having a panic attack. A panic attack won't cause you to pass out, as fainting will usually occur when there is a drop in blood pressure. The opposite occurs when you experience a panic attack, with your heart rate and blood pressure increasing.

  1. Myth: You should avoid stressful situations if you have a history of heightened anxiety. The issue with this is that it is almost impossible to avoid stressful situations. Life is full of stressful, and often unexpected, situations that you simply cannot avoid.

● Trying to avoid situations that cause stress can actually cause the emotion of anxiety to increase to even more uncomfortable levels.

You can; however, learn coping mechanisms that can help you to deal effectively with the stresses of life.

  1. Myth: Some people just worry and cannot be treated. While there are some people who seem to worry more than others, there are plenty of treatment options available for all cases.

  1. Myth: Prolonged Heightened Anxiety is rare. You may think that you are the only person who suffers from such worries and fears; however, research shows that as many as one in five adults struggle with this.

● Many people feel that they are alone with their struggle, and without actively seeking help, they will continue feeling alone.

  1. Myth: Your heightened anxiety will get better on its own. Many people put off seeking treatment for heightened anxiety as they are able to go about their daily lives without too much issue. Yet, over time the condition may get worse as the underlying issues leading to the anxious state are ignored.

It’s important to get treatment - the sooner, the better. Because you don’t have to suffer.

  1. Myth: I only need a little drink to get through this. Many people choose to self-medicate to get themselves through a stressful event, often opting for drinking alcohol or taking a recreational drug.

● While this may work in the short term, over time you can become addicted to these while the heightened anxiety state will remain.

● There are also additional health risks associated with these choices to think about too.

  1. Myth: Treatment will take forever. You may start to see improvements with just a few sessions of targeted hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural techniques.

  1. Myth: You can overcome a heightened state of anxiety overnight if you want to. If you have ever heard someone say to just “get over it” when it comes to your concerns, then they likely don’t really understand how consuming fear and worry can become.

● This lack of support may lead to you avoiding the subject entirely and cause you to suffer in silence.

Seek treatment to help overcome your worries and fears. A professional counselor or therapist understands that your worries are real and how they can debilitate you. They have techniques that will help you.

Living in a continued state of heightened anxiety can be a serious condition if left untreated and can prevent you from living a fulfilled life. Don’t let these myths about worry, fear, and the emotion of anxiety stop you from seeking appropriate treatment.

To discuss how Sally can help you with worry and fear click below for your complimentary 15 minute chat.

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