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The Ritualistic path to Taming Unwanted Anxiety

Sally Barker

Many athletes are superstitious. They wear lucky socks or carry around a special token to help them win a game or match.

It may sound silly, but there’s some science to back up their habits. Research shows that rituals can be useful for soothing the out-of-control emotion of anxiety. That’s important because stress feels uncomfortable and hampers your performance.

At the same time, these repetitive actions can cause new troubles if they become excessive. Learn more about how to create your own safe and effective rituals that empower you.

Using Rituals to Relieve Unwanted Anxiety

Whistling and flipping coins can help you to feel more in control. However, you may want to choose rituals that carry more meaning and deliver positive side effects.

Try these strategies:

  1. Clear away clutter. Putting your surroundings in order is doubly beneficial. Moving around will make you feel calmer and your tidy desk and kitchen will help you stay peaceful.

  2. Do housework. If you have more energy and time, move on to dusting and mopping. Rhythmic activities are especially comforting.

  1. Listen to music. Create playlists that work for you. You may prefer piano sonatas or country music. Singing and dancing help too.

  2. Pat your dog. Studies show that interacting with animals promotes healing and lowers your blood pressure. Walk a neighbour’s dog or hug a stuffed animal if you don’t have any pets.

  3. Check your posture. Take a deep breath and stand up straight. Your body will relax, and you’ll boost your circulation.

  4. Dress up. Many rituals involve clothing because your appearance can affect your thinking. You may want to wear suspenders or any clothing that is comfortable and flattering.

Taking Practical Action to Tame Unwanted Anxiety

Your plaid socks won’t carry you to victory unless you know how to play baseball in the first place. It’s most beneficial to use rituals in moderation and combine them with practical action.

These activities enable you to take positive actions:

  1. Accept your feelings. Suppress your emotions can backfire. Allow yourself to feel nervous or confused.

  2. Reframe your thoughts. You can shift your mindset while you validate your feelings. Imagine that you’re excited rather than anxious. Look for the positive aspects within any challenge.

  3. Practice self-care. Cultivating your mental and physical health will make you stronger and more resilient. Eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly. Sleep well and manage stress.

  4. Work out. Physical activity is especially constructive for dealing with unwanted anxiety. Visit your local fitness or yoga center or set up a gym at home. Schedule a morning run or swim before a busy day. Do a few minutes of pushups or stretches after a difficult phone call.

  5. Make time for reflection and prayer. Spirituality can help you transform obstacles into stepping stones for personal growth. Read scriptures connected with your religion or find poems and quotations that inspire you.

  6. Keep a journal. Writing, drawing, and other creative activities help you to handle tension effectively. Use a journal to process your feelings and identify patterns that you want to change. You might want to explore other arts and crafts too.

  7. Consider therapy. What if your unwanted anxiety is severe or you become so dependent on your rituals that they start to interfere with your daily life? Professional help is available to help you treat not only your symptoms but the underlying causes so you can enjoy life more.

Put rituals to work for you when you’re dealing with an uncertain or challenging situation. Used wisely, they can restore your peace of mind and help you achieve the results you want.

Need help with unwanted anxiety? Book a 15-minute chat with Sally to discuss how she will help you release unwanted anxiety.

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